The Wee Boaby column

Editors note. :- Ok, this is for the readers of The Crypt, that have never seen or read an issue of the Ripper magazine, in which the full series of "The Wee Boaby column" was featured.

This is the on going tales of a small man called Robert, and his good lady Ella. This family friendly couple reside in the back streets of Scotlands largest city Glasgow . Unfortunatly, neither Robert nor Ella have recieved sufficient education to converse to the outside world in a tongue understandable to all.

So Unless you have a moderate understanding of the slang used in Glasgow, you might have to read this VERY

slowly to get the full understanding of the text.

We hope this does not spoil your entertainment, But if it does.

So Bluddy Whit! : ) Jist read on.
